Think Above Par

Change Your View of Your Golf, Change Your Results

Kathy Hart Wood Episode 109

We all filter our golf experience through a personal lens. It shapes how we feel on the course, and the results we create for ourselves.

We do this off the course as well. Some lenses work well and some we never question or change.

In this episode, I share a different perspective on how you view your golf experience and what you can do if you want to change it.

Contact Kathy at

Did you get what you wanted out of your game this season?  Feel like you underperformed? I'm looking for 4-5 serious golfers who want to play to the potential and feel proud of the way that they showed up and the results that they created on the golf course.  So if that's you  you're ready, click the link to schedule a short 10 minute clarity call so we can see if we're a good fit.

Clarity Call