Think Above Par
If you are a serious golfer who feels like you underperform on the course, Think Above Par is for you. It is frustrating to know you have more talent than you take to the course. And your host, Kathy Hart Wood, gets it. She combines her experience as a former tour player and Top 50 Teacher with her knowledge and insight as a Certified Mental Coach to help you unleash all your talent. She shows you how to think Above Par so you can play below par.
Think Above Par
Your Golf Year in Review: Discover Your Wins and Set Up 2025 for Success!
In this reflective episode, Kathy guides listeners through a powerful "Year in Review" process designed to set them up for a successful 2025 golf season. Sharing insights from her live membership call, Kathy encourages golfers to take a "post-year evaluation" similar to a post-round analysis. She emphasizes the importance of focusing on what went well — a mindset shift from the usual tendency to dwell on mistakes.
Listeners are guided to assess key areas like their handicap progression, rounds played, practice habits, tournament experiences, mental growth, course management, and even social wins. Kathy poses thought-provoking questions, challenging golfers to recognize small wins that often go unnoticed, such as managing emotions, recovering from mistakes faster, and making smarter course decisions. With humor and insight, she reminds golfers to "shake their hamster cage" by embracing challenges and stepping out of their comfort zones. By the end of the episode, listeners are equipped with actionable steps to close the year feeling proud and ready for growth in the coming season.
Connect with Kathy at KathyHartWood.com