Think Above Par
If you are a serious golfer who feels like you underperform on the course, Think Above Par is for you. It is frustrating to know you have more talent than you take to the course. And your host, Kathy Hart Wood, gets it. She combines her experience as a former tour player and Top 50 Teacher with her knowledge and insight as a Certified Mental Coach to help you unleash all your talent. She shows you how to think Above Par so you can play below par.
Think Above Par
The Mental Part of Short Game Touch
In this episode of Think Above Par, Kathy addresses a common thought error in the golfing community: the belief that it takes time to regain your touch after a break from the game. She explains how this mindset can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, causing players to struggle unnecessarily. Using personal anecdotes and practical examples, Kathy demonstrates why this belief is unfounded and provides actionable tips for shifting your perspective. Discover how to leverage your natural hand-eye coordination and athleticism to improve your short game immediately, and learn to recognize and eliminate those hidden, unhelpful thoughts that hold you back.
Connect with Kathy at https://KathyHartWood.com/
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