Think Above Par
If you are a serious golfer who feels like you underperform on the course, Think Above Par is for you. It is frustrating to know you have more talent than you take to the course. And your host, Kathy Hart Wood, gets it. She combines her experience as a former tour player and Top 50 Teacher with her knowledge and insight as a Certified Mental Coach to help you unleash all your talent. She shows you how to think Above Par so you can play below par.
Think Above Par
How to Change Your Golf Results
Tired of creating the same results over and over again in golf? In this episode, Kathy dives deep into the concept of self-awareness, specifically focusing on the consistent results golfers create for themselves. She discusses how recognizing patterns and understanding the thoughts behind them can lead to better performance on the course. Kathy shares examples such as struggling on par 3s, distance issues, mindset problems, and finishing poorly, encouraging listeners to get curious about their results rather than just accepting them. She emphasizes the importance of identifying and shifting unproductive thoughts to change outcomes and improve golf performance. For more guidance, check the links below for further resources and support.
Unleash Your Golf self-paced program is available at: https://www.unleashyourgolf.com
Mastering Your Golf Brain - A Guide to Self-Coaching
Mastering Your Golf Brain - The Workbook
Mental Golf Journal - A Range for Your Brain
Are all available at KathyHartWood.com/book
Private coaching starts with a Free Discovery Call here:
Email Kathy at Kathy@KathyHartWood.com
Website: KathyHartWood.com